kinesiology pillars to health

How can Kinesiology help me?

How can Kinesiology help me?

What is Kinesiology
Kinesiology is a holistic natural therapy

Your health & wellness is built on the foundations of your nutritional, structural, energetical & your emotional well-being. They are intrinsically connected, if one aspect is out of balance, it will effect the other aspects. For example, you hurt your back (physical), which prevents you from doing exercise, this can lower your mood (emotional) and in turn you eat more comforting food that is not fuel for the body (nutrition).

As a Systematic Kinesiologist I address your body as a whole. That means looking at all aspects involved in your nutritional, emotional, structural & energetical health. By doing so, I am able to bring your body back into alignment or homeostasis. Think of it as a wonderful and natural way to press the re-set switch. Our bodies want to be in balance, but with the stressors we face today, it I can feel like a uphill battle to stay healthy. Stress is the leading cause of illness today causing inflammation, a depleted immune system, chronic fatigue, depression, burnout… to name a few. That is why it is so important to invest in your health, as ultimately you are investing in your long term health and happiness.

Here is an illustration of the Pillars to Health in more detail & how kinesiology works to invest in each health pillar to raise your vitality . You can learn more about Kinesiology here:

how does kinesiology work
The Foundations to your Health

The gentle muscle testing helps me to understand the root cause of your symptoms, & what you need to restore energy and balance to your body. This includes using natural health techniques, holistic therapies, nutrition, natural health supplements, emotional support & balancing your energy, so you can feel more you!

Karen is a beautiful, gentle and loving soul, she knows exactly what she is doing, & is continuously educating herself about anything that can aid in self-healing and my mind is blown by the multitude of healing modalities, which Karen weaves into her sessions, seemingly effortless! I came to Karen to work on my physical health and learn about the foods and supplements my body is asking for, in the hope of balancing my sleep and energy-levels … All that was massively improved already after the first session! On top of that, Karen managed to clear some heavy emotional burdens that I had been carrying for over a decade. – Marie

Kinesiologist holistic health therapist
Karen Mason, Kinesiologist