
Are your Stress Levels Making you ill?

Are your Stress Levels Making you ill?

Let’s talk about how Stress is impacting your body It almost seems impossible to escape the reality that everyone is...

prevent cognitive decline today

Take Action Today to Prevent Cognitive Decline

Rather alarmingly in America the stats of Alzheimer’s disease (the most common cause of Dementia) are projected to double by...

naturally build resilience

How to Build Resilience to Realise Your Dreams

If you feel a sense of overwhelm or defeat over your new year, goals and aspirations, you’re not alone. It...

Mental Health Foundations to Thrive

Mental Health Foundations to Thrive

This week is Mental Health Awareness week.  Our mental health matters every week but today I’d like to share with...

do you have leaky gut

Do you have LEAKY GUT?

A question I am sure you have asked yourself since this is a very topical subject. So I’m going to...

kinesiology for health

The 4 Pillars to Health

In Kinesiology we focus on 4 pillars that build the foundation to our health. These are our EMOTIONAL health, STRUCTURAL...

Kinesiology muscle testing

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a natural or holistic therapy that focuses on addressing the whole body, rather than just one specific area....

Healthy Brain

5 Simple Steps to improve your health and well-being

Life is super busy right?  I don’t know about you, but sometimes Mondays roll around and I can’t fully recall...