All Treatments

First Kinesiology Consult 1hr30 £75
In your first session we will discuss your full case history, symptoms, lifestyle & background information. I can then fully understand your priorities & health goals.
You will then have your first Kinesiology session. This will involve gentle muscle testing using an arm or leg muscle. The muscle test response serves as a feedback system, so I can understand exactly what your body needs.
You will then receive a bespoke treatment which can include nutritional, emotional, sound healing, structural (body work-alignment, massage) & energetical support, as well as lifestyle & dietary recommendations. Following your consultation you will receive a PDF summary of the recommendations discussed, including lifestyle advice, nutritional supplements, emotional affirmation & energy support. This includes an exclusive discount on the supplements recommended.
It is recommended to have 3-6 sessions to facilitate positive change. Consultations available in person or online
Follow Up Kinesiology Consultation 1hr £55
Following your first consult, we will review you progress, goals, and priority for your session followed by an hours relaxing Kinesiology treatment. After each session you will receive an email detailing recommendations to further support your health journey
Hit Reset Plan – Block of 3 Kinesiology sessions £170- £15 discount
To realise progress on your health symptoms and well-being goals, I recommend at least 3 Kinesiology sessions. This allows enough time to work on your health priorities and track your health progress with the relevant nutritional, diet, lifestyle, physical and emotional support that are part of your natural health plan.
- 3 monthly Kinesiology sessions, totalling 3hr30minutes to invest in your health.
- £15 saving for booking a block of 3 sessions, payable over 2 sessions
- completing a full health history and health goal setting
- working toward your health goal(s) using natural techniques that include nutritional support, body work, and emotional well
- a summary of each session will be sent to you with your recommended supplements, dietary & lifestyle advice
This package is available for in person treatment or via online sessions.
The Gut Restore Plan (4hr30, 4 x sessions, £333)
This is a 4 step bespoke plan to heal your gut by:
→Removing food sensitivities & triggers
→Replacing essential nutrients for gut healing
→Re-inoculate with essential digestive enzymes & probiotics
→Repair: Additional nutrition & diet to maintain the gut wall & prevent re-occurrance of leaky gut
This plan also includes:
→4 Kinesiology sessions over 4-5 months
→Food sensitivity testing
→Bespoke supplement & eating plan
Read more about the plan here.
Food Sensitivity Testing – £55 (1hr)
In this session I will test an extensive list of foods, herbs & drinks on your body to understand what your body is showing a sensitivity too. You will leave with a list of what food/s to limit & avoid for the next 4 weeks.
My stance on food sensitivity testing is to highlight what is depleting you energetically right now, and to see you again in 4 weeks time to re-assess that list alongside the root cause of your sensitivity/allergy.
For example it may be a leaky gut that needs nutritional support to heal & negate the initial food sensitivity. I always encourage all clients to stay hydrated & eat a rainbow diet rich in whole fruit & vegetables, whilst limiting processed, manufactured food. Read more about food sensitivity testing here.
Supplement Support Testing – £55 (1hr)
Navigating a supplement aisle is overwhelming given the overload of trends that bombard our everyday media. In this session I will help find the specific nutrition (vitamins, minerals & essential fats) that is in your highest interest & priority by understanding what system(s) in your body need support. Please bring along existing supplements you are taking to test alongside. Read more about supplement support testing here.
De-stress & Energy Balance – £55 (1hr)
Naturally de-stress and balance your flow of energy, your chakras & meridians. Chakras can be imagined as wheels of energy that are located in different areas of the body, they are like power stations in our body. Meridians are like energetic pathways in our body that allow energy to flow. Illness, diet, our thoughts, stress & environment can all have a negative impact on our chakras & meridians causing blockages in our energy flow, leaving us feeling depleted. Kinesiology is a wonderful way to spring clean our chakras & meridians to clear any blockages, to allow your energy (Qi) or life force to flow & thrive. Read more about improving your energy naturally here.
Online Kinesiology Consultation: Initial (£75-90mins), Follow Up (£55-1hr)
If you are not able to meet in person, this is a wonderful way to experience the benefits of Kinesiology from the comfort of your home. In an online session I use a technique called surrogate testing, a technique we are formally trained in, and is used when you cannot physically test on the person for example if they are too young.
Before your initial session I will send you a Client information form which details questions regarding your health priorities, goals and history. In your first session we will run through this together before commencing the testing.
You will then receive a bespoke treatment which can include nutritional, emotional, sound healing, structural (body work-alignment, massage) & energetical support, as well as lifestyle & dietary recommendations. Following your consultation you will receive a PDF summary of the recommendations discussed, including lifestyle advice, nutritional supplements, emotional affirmations & energy support. This includes an exclusive discount on the supplements recommended.
It is recommended to have 3-6 sessions to facilitate positive change
If you require further details, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The initial consultation is £75 for 90 mins, and £55 for follow ups.
Children’s Kinesiology Session (45min, £40)
Kinesiology is a wonderful way to help address issues with a child’s sleep, digestion, learning, concentration, food sensitivities, low immunity, co-ordination, anxiety & stress. Nutritional & Emotional support is often key to helping support children & Kinesiology can help identify personalised nutrition for your child. Kinesiology uses surrogate testing via a parent/guardian, if the child is too young or unable. If the child is capable of muscle testing, then a surrogate is not required, but still requires your presence. Read more about the benefits of Kinesiology for Kids here.
What do you charge for Kinesiology?
Initial Consultation – £75 (1hr30min)
Subsequent Sessions- £55 (1hr)
Block of 3 Sessions – £170 (£15 saving)
Children’s Sessions – £40 (45min)
All other treatments listed above – £55 (1hr)