The Rewild Method
The Rewild Method
Upgrade your Perimenopausal Brain & Reduce Dementia Risk
I’m so honoured & excited to invite you to experience how The Rewild Method can help you overcome your perimenopausal brain & reduce your dementia risk.
The onset of brain health symptoms like brain fog, mental fatigue, forgetfulness, anxiety and low mood are scary! But understanding the full jigsaw puzzle, beyond hormone balance, is key to
optimising your brain health now & in your future.
This is a natural bespoke health plan combining Kinesiology, Neuro-energetics, Research backed technology and Nutrition to reset your perimenopause brain and reduce your dementia risk!
You will also learn the tools to apply this method into your life with my support, all whilst receiving holistic therapy 1:1 or online.
This is your opportunity to secure your brain health now & for the future!
Why REWILD now? You just have to look at the increasing statistics on cognitive decline…..
The statistics show a 40% increase in Dementia cases by 2050. Alarmingly women have a greater risk of developing dementia, around twice as many women have Alzheimer’s disease – the most common type of dementia – compared to men.
This a MASSIVE RED FLAG that how we are living now is contributing toward these statistics. The truth is brain health decline doesn’t happen overnight, it starts decades before the onset of symptoms. So if you are in your 40+ years and approaching or in the depths of perimenopause, it is time to take action now, to prevent your risk of dementia.
I know you don’t want to be a statistic and you can see yourself thriving into your twilight years, with your memory and independence intact.
This is why I have created the The Rewild Method. It is my mission & passion to deliver this holistic health plan to upgrade your perimenopausal brain and reduce your dementia risk.
Click here to secure your place for just £49, the remainder is paid in 2 monthly instalments of £118.
Let’s take a step back to understand what your health looks like….
Your health is like a jigsaw puzzle, there are many pieces to it. Life’s stressors can muddle these jigsaw pieces up and then when you throw in the menopausal transition, it can feel like many jigsaw pieces just disappear. Especially your brain function!
Yes your dwindling hormones have a big part to play but that is one part of the puzzle. There are so many more aspects/puzzle pieces to address to help you revitalise and repair your perimenopausal brain.
To avoid a sea of brain health symptoms in perimenopause, here is what you DON’T want to do….
Ignore the symptoms by using bandaids like pain killers, sweet sugary foods, coffee, sedatives, and anti-inflammatories to keep functioning! Why? These bandaids are temporarily hiding the symptom(s) not addressing it, which means your brain symptom(s) will keep coming back and you are hurting your brain.
What you need to do is address the root cause/s to your symptoms. “Root cause”, simply means the underlying reason behind the symptom. This is where Rewild is here to support you.
Your perimenopausal brain symptom(s) is a mirror to your incomplete health puzzle. They are gifts from your body asking you to address!
How does The Rewild Method work?
The Rewild Method can be completed over 3 monthly sessions online, or in person or a combination of the two. I will work with you through the Rewild 6 pillars to address your root causes of your perimenopause brain symptoms. This is a holistic brain health method. Every solution and toolkit you’ll gain is a natural solution that will help you to thrive now and serve your brain health into your twilight years.
Rewild’s Six Pillars to Upgrade Your Perimenopausal Brain Naturally
We work through these 6 pillars together and I use Kinesiology or muscle testing to understand what your root causes are to your perimenopausal brain symptoms and what you need to revitalise your brain function.
What your brain and body needs to realise abundant health is completely unique to you! The chart below will give you an insight into what you can experience if you decide to join Rewild.
Secure your place here with a £49 deposit!
The Rewild Method in Detail
What is included in The Rewild Method
How to Secure Your Place on The Rewild Method
Secure your place today with a £49 deposit, by clicking here or scanning the QR code above.
This really is your opportunity to secure your health now & for the future!
To learn more about me, and my journey from a health crash to thriving, please click here.
In immense gratitude,