Initial Kinesiology Consult

Initial Kinesiology Consult

Kinesiology treatment list

In your first session we will discuss your full case history, symptoms, lifestyle & background information. I can then fully understand your priorities & health goals.

You will then have your first Kinesiology session. This will involve gentle muscle testing using an arm or leg muscle. The muscle test response serves as a feedback system, so I can understand exactly what your body needs.

You will then receive a bespoke treatment which can include nutritional, emotional, structural (body work-alignment, massage) & energetical support, as well as lifestyle & dietary recommendations.

It is recommended to have 3-6 sessions to facilitate positive change.

Following your first consult, we will review you progress, goals, and priority for your session followed by an hours relaxing Kinesiology treatment. After each session you will receive a summary of nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to continue to support you in between each Kinesiology session.

This natural wellbeing plan includes 3 sessions of Kinesiology to re-set your health trajectory and help realise positive change.

This package includes:

* 3 monthly Kinesiology session, totalling 3hr30minutes to invest in your health
* Total cost £170, saving of £15, payable in 2 instalments
* Completing a full health history and health goal setting
* Food sensitivity checking
* Digestive health check
* Working toward your health goal(s) using natural techniques that include nutritional support, body work, and emotional well-being
* A summary of each session with dietary & lifestyle advice will be emailed to you after each session

Read more about this Health Reset Plan here using natural holistic remedies to restore your health.